Sanders Enters Presidential Race

Thanks Nel for blogging on the full spectrum of presidential candidates. I’ll periodically reblog your postings so that my followers can see who’s on the stump and generally where they stand. This is the second of my reblogs on this topic. Thanks

Nel's New Day

Some people celebrate May Day today with a pagan celebration of flowers and Maypoles; others recognize it as a day of protest and worker solidarity. That history goes back to 1886 when 200,000 U.S. workers struck for an eight-hour day. On the third day, a Chicago strike at the McCormick Reaper plant became violent as police killed and injured the strikers. The next day’s peaceful meeting at Haymarket Square protesting police action turned even more brutal. As the meeting started to break up, a bomb near the speaker’s wagon wounded 60 policemen and killed another seven. The police wounded 200 civilians and killed several more. Although no one was sure who had committed the crime, four people were executed. No one in the U.S. had an eight-hour day until the United Mine Workers in 1898; a federal law mandating the eight-hour day wasn’t passed until 1938.

The international holiday for labor, created in…

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Graham, Perry Enlarge GOP Presidential Field

This morning I was reading one of the bloggers I follow – Nel’s New Day.  Her newest post is about Senator Lindsey Graham and former Texas Governor Rick Perry entering the US presidential race.  I decided to reblog this posting.

Nel started this project in January with a “wannabe” a candidate blog. Then in April she started portraying candidates as they entered the race.  This is her most recent posting.  I will continue to review her posts on this topic and reblog so that you can see who else is running on both sides of the aisle.

Next up – Bernie Sanders…

Nel's New Day

Two GOP presidential candidates added themselves to the mix last week, increasing the field by 25 percent to ten. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) brings the number of senators, either current or former, to five—half the string. With little chance for success, he may be angling for the vice-presidential seat. Although he tried to be coy about his running, he did slip up a couple of weeks before the formal declaration when he said, In a slip over two weeks before his formal declaration, Graham said, “I’m running because I think the world is falling apart. I’ve been more right than wrong on foreign policy,” Graham said.

Graham claims that he has “more experience with our national security than any other candidate in this race” and then added, “That includes you, Hillary.”The so-called expertise may not survive the light of day. He claimed that Saddam Hussein had WMDs and now thinks that the…

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