FactChecking the Vice Presidential Debate – FactCheck.org

Last night, the two Vice-Presidential candidates–current VP Mike Pence and US Senator Kamala Harris–took the stage in Utah to debate each other for the upcoming general election on November 3, 2020. This debate was sponsored by the Presidential Commission on Debates.

Both candidates made several broad statements on the topics raised. Questions as to the accuracy of these responses by both candidates were asked (or shouted at our television and computer screens and at our radio speakers).

As many of those engaged in the presidential election season, I wanted to know who gave the clearest and most accurate presentation on the policies and concerns of the American people.

Was it Kamela?

Senator Kamala Harris (CA) – Joe Biden’s Running Mate

Or was it Mike?

Vice President Mike Pence – Donald Trump’s Running Mate

So I turned to the Annenberg Center for Public Policy at the University of Pennsylvania for their non-partisan review of the claims made by both candidates. As suspected, there was the truth, part truth, less than clear statements, and some falsehoods or exaggerations in what was said during the 90-minute debate. By Pence and by Harris.

So here is the link, without comments, to their analysis for your review. https://www.factcheck.org/2020/10/factchecking-the-vice-presidential-debate/

You make your decision on whom to vote for based on this review as well as other information you gather. I have made my decision. I hope you make yours as well, based on the facts in this critical race for our democracy in 2020.

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